Doctrinal Classes
DO107-507 Believing
on Jesus Dr. Smith 1.5 Credit Hrs.
DO112-547 Studies in Biblical Doctrine I Dr. Creamer 1.5 Credit Hrs.
DO128-528 Biblical Theology of the O. T. Dr. Creamer 1.5 Credit Hrs.
DO135-539 Doctrine II Dr. Creamer 1.5 Credit Hrs.
DO225-543 Church Misconceptions Dr. Creamer 1.5 Credit Hrs.
DO421-509 Eschatology Dr. Smith 1.5 Credit Hrs.
Biblical Classes
BI220-560 Pastoral
Epistles Dr. Creamer 1.5 Credit Hrs.
BI248-548 Chronological Bible Dr. Kirsche 1.5 Credit Hrs.
BI412-537 N.T. Book of Romans Dr. Creamer 1.5 Credit Hrs.
BI425-536 O.T. Book of Isaiah Dr. Creamer 1.5 Credit Hrs.
BI427-628 O.T. Book of Song of Solomon Dr. Kirsche 1.5 Credit Hrs.
BI432-539 Briefing The Revelation (Audio) Dr. Kirsche 1.5 Credit Hrs.
BI433-611 O.T. Book of Proverbs Dr. Kirsche 1.5 Credit Hrs.
General Educational Classes
GE112-521 Biblical
Geography Dr. Kirsche 1.5 Credit Hrs.
GE216-636 Mission World Studies Dr. Creamer 1.5 Credit Hrs.
GE224-524 Life of (O.T.) Joseph Dr. Colbert 1.5 Credit Hrs.
GE409-509 Shakespeare and the Bible Dr. Kirsche 1.5 Credit Hrs.
Christian (Biblical) Counseling Classes
CC104-504 Workable
Counseling Solutions Dr. Nussbaumer 1.5 Credit Hrs.
CC107-507 Biblical Study of Death Dr. Kirsche 1.5 Credit Hrs.
CC115-515 Biblical Counseling Manual Dr. Kirsche 1.5 Credit Hrs.
CC125-525 Emotional Management Dr. Kirsche 1.5 Credit Hrs.
CC206-606 Psychology Of Depression Dr. Kirsche 1.5 Credit Hrs.
CC304-704 Marriage Counseling Dr. Kirsche 1.5 Credit Hrs.
PS2528-628 Missionary Prep & Deputation Dr. Creamer 1.5 Credit
B1334-522Sp El Libro de Matco (Matthew) Dr. Creamer 1.5 Credit Hrs.
For Off-Campus Studies
Call our Director of External Studies
Bryan Fox at 678-381-6259 |